Beginning with one artist, but gradually expanding, we will help with artist management. This will be done in conjunction with any other professional association the artist may have developed, such as galleries, consultants, private dealers, etc. Not in competition with them.
We will be able to selectively shine a light on an artist, emphasizing individual works in our inventory. We will mix famous artists with not so famous and even totally unknown artists.
The focus will be mainly on contemporary art, but occasionally giving renewed attention to artists from other periods.
Through our invitation only Blog, we will seek out far reaching, and far sighted opinions, in the sense that Art is Philosophy made manifest.
Director: Priska Juschka
Our Mission: Art ART ART
We offer a cultural discourse via our Culture Blog with exclusive contributions from our permanent or our guest contributors.
We encourage serious, mindful feedback on the content of our blog, which we may or may not post.
We sell individual works of art by artists, we don’t represent, in our Inventory section.
We manage artists, who may have representation with other creative professionals such as galleries, consultants and music agents or do work in other fields such as writing and in the performing arts etc.
We understand ourselves as facilitators, catalysts and career builders, managing artists careers or their individual needs to further the promotion of their creative product- such as a painting, a video, a song or a novel.
The professional relationships with their other creative promoters such as galleries, consultants, publishers in all their different entities thereby remains intact.
Lichtundfire seeks an intelligent and sensible global discourse, related to pertinent issues within and across cultures.
We look forward to working with great partners and welcome everybody who is interested in the matters of art, culture and progressive philosophy.
We support innovative ideas.